Post Charlottesville, Doing Nothing Isn’t An Option For Millennials Or The Rest Of Us

Gen 2 Gen Chat

I’m still trying to process what happened in Charlottesville, the president’s response, and how these events will impact our youngest generations.   As an African-American baby boomer, with parents and grandparents who were active in the civil rights movement and who experienced the impact of racism for much of their lives, I know they expected their struggle to result in a more tolerant and inclusive country for my generation and those coming after me.  My generation, along with generation X, is not naive to the fact that overt and covert forms of racism are still alive and well, although we benefited greatly from the movements championed by those who came before us.  As I watched the tragic events in Charlottesville, I was unfortunately not shocked to see white nationalist groups spewing hateful rhetoric, but I was outraged by the violence that ended in the tragic death of a hope…

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Generation Z Goes To College

Gen 2 Gen Chat

It’s back to school time, and my youngest nephew is among the thousands of young people heading off to college.  My nephew was born in 1999, a year that conjures up great memories for me, including our family vacation to Disney World, and Prince’s popular song lyrics.  It had never occurred to me until recently that while eight of my nieces and nephews (along with my children) are Millennials, the younger two are members of another generation, Generation Z.  These younger family members quietly watched and learned life lessons from their older Millennial cousins. Who is Generation Z, and what makes them different from Millennials?   Generation Z, according to most sources, consists of those born between 1996 and 2010.  The oldest members are graduating from college and entering the workplace, while the youngest are just seven years old. Since Gen Z members are still largely kids and adolescents, many of…

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Props To Generation X for Quietly Changing Society

Gen 2 Gen Chat

Are you a member of Generation X?  If not, I’m sure they are among your co-workers, friends, and family.  Look around you.

Gen X’ers are turning 50 in large numbers, and they are celebrating big time with extravagant birthday parties and lots of friends.  While this small generation ( born between 1965 and 1981) has been widely sandwiched and overshadowed by the larger generations of Baby Boomers and Millennials, they have transformed society on many levels, and are undetected influencers of its younger and older generations.  They are the parents of Millennials, and the children of Boomers.  They were dubbed the “MTV Generation” and “latchkey kids”.  The first generation to grow up without a large adult presence with both parents working, perhaps leading to Gen X’ers being more peer oriented than previous generations.  They brought hip-hop music main stream, put alternative-rock on the map, invented music videos and made indie…

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