Generation C. Who Are They? Are You A Member?

Gen 2 Gen Chat

While doing some research for my blog this week, I came across several interesting articles describing a generation I wasn’t familiar with, Generation C.  This “community of digital natives” is of interest to consumer marketers because they are highly influential due to their need to share their lives via social media platforms.  However, the concept of Generation C is also a fascinating way to look at our culture in the digital age.  Not all Millennials would categorize themselves as members of Gen C, and there are lots of Gen X’ers and Boomers who would!  This generation is not related by birth year.   The “C” refers to Connectivity, according to one article, while another referred to Generation C as a group that thrives on “Connection, Community, Creation, and Curation. The  term has been around for over a decade.

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